April 30, 2017Categories Books In the News“The Arrival of Abstract Art in the United States”By Karen Drewes Seibert On Paper: Journal of the Washington Print Club Published Spring 2017
April 18, 2015Categories Books In the NewsSmall Victories: One Couple’s Surprising Adventures Building an Unrivaled Collection of American PrintsBy Dave H. Williams Published in 2015 by David R. Godine Publishers, Boston
February 28, 2015Categories Books In the NewsNight Vision: Nocturnes in American Art,1860-1960By Joachim Homann Bowdoin College Museum of Art Published by Delmonico Books/Prestel, NY 2015
August 13, 2011Categories Books In the NewsSplendor of Dynamic Structure; Celebrating 75 Years of the American Abstract ArtistsBy Nancy E. Green Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art. Cornell University. 2011.
November 5, 2009Categories Books In the NewsThe Museum of Non-Objective Painting: Hilla Rebay and the Origins of the Solomon R. Guggenheim MuseumBy Edited by Karole Vail Guggenheim Museum. 2009.
April 10, 1992Categories Books In the NewsTheme and Improvisation: Kandinsky and the American Avant-GardeBy Gail Levin and Marianne Lorenz 1912-1950. Dayton Art Institute. 1992.
October 30, 1984Categories Books In the NewsThe Creative Act: Paths to Realization. Interviews with 15 ArtistsBy Franz Geierhaas and Brigitte Hellgoth International Print Society. 1984
February 1, 1984Categories Books In the NewsSixty-Five Years of Printmaking: Werner DrewesBy Martina Roudabush Norelli Smithsonian America Art of Art. 1984
July 30, 1983Categories Books In the NewsAbstract Painting and Sculpture in America. 1927-1944By Edited by John R. Lane and Susan C. Larsen Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute. 1983